Tasks and Collects

Canopy enables you to request new data from Umbra's constellation of SAR satellites through its automated tasking system. In addition, the interface provides real-time status updates, keeping you informed about each task through its entire lifecycle. The following describes the core concepts and data models that support the Canopy tasking experience.


A Task represents a request for new data to be collected by the Umbra constellation. Tasks are composed of the geolocation to be imaged, the desired timeframe, the image collection mode, and geometric view constraints.

Task Status

When a new Task is submitted, the tasking system automatically advances through the tasking lifecycle and updates the status property accordingly. Additionally, the Task model maintains a historical record of status updates.

The table below describes the Task status definitions.


Unused Statuses

Statuses marked with a * are not currently in use but are planned to support future commercial tasking features


Terminal Statuses

Statuses marked with a are considered terminal and Tasks will not transition away from these statuses without human involvement.

RECEIVEDTask input has been validated.
REVIEW *Feasibility has been verified and cost has been calculated. The task is ready to be reviewed by the customer before submission.
SUBMITTEDThe Task has been submitted to the Umbra scheduling system.

In the future, customers will have the option to manually review Task compliance and billing details before submitting Tasks.
ACCEPTEDThe task has been accepted by the Umbra's scheduling system. It will be queued for scheduling after additional compliance checks.
ACTIVETask has been queued for scheduling.
REJECTED†Task was not able to be added to the schedule. Please try re-tasking with different parameters or reach out to help@umbra.space for assistance.
SCHEDULEDTask has been added to the mission schedule and Collects have been generated.
TASKEDAt least one Collect that fulfills the Task has been commanded to the spacecraft.
TRANSMITTEDThe spacecraft has been commanded to downlink the associated Collect data for the Task.
INCOMPLETESome of the Collect data for the Task is downlinked, but not enough for processing. The Task will transition back to TRANSMITTED when Umbra's automation attempts to downlink the remaining data on future passes.
PROCESSINGThe Collects for the Task have been downlinked. The Collect data for this Task is being processed.
PROCESSEDAll required Collects have been processed and are ready to be delivered.
DELIVERINGThe Collects for the Task are in the process of being delivered.
DELIVERED†All Collects for the Task have been delivered to the customer. All Task data products are available to download via Canopy.
CANCEL_REQUESTEDA request to cancel the Task has been submitted. Customers may no longer cancel Tasks once a Task reaches TASKED.
CANCELED†The requested cancellation has been accepted and the Task has been removed from the schedule.
ERROR†An error occurred within the ground system that prevents the completion of the request.
ANOMALY†An anomaly occurred during collection that prevents the completion of the request.
EXPIRED*†We will not be able to fulfill the request within the timeframe of the Task.
COMPLETED†This status exists for legacy reasons. It will not appear on new Tasks.

Imaging Modes

Spotlight is currently the only imaging mode supported in Canopy.


Spotlight imaging mode is ideal for obtaining high-resolution imagery over a relatively smaller area by keeping the radar beam fixed on the target for the duration of the collect, thus forming a longer synthetic aperture. Umbra spotlight images provide a guaranteed minimum footprint of 4x4 km.

Cancelling a Task

Customers have the ability to cancel Tasks that are in SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, ACTIVE, and SCHEDULED status. Once the spacecraft has been tasked with a Collect, the associated Task cannot be canceled. When a cancellation is requested, the Task status is updated to CANCEL_REQUESTED. If the Task is able to be canceled the status will be updated to CANCELED, and the task is removed from the mission schedule.


Collects are objects that describe the radar parameters and geometry of a single imaging operation. Once a Task has reached a SCHEDULED state, one or more Collects are generated and are available to provide a more detailed view of the Task fulfillment as well as a visualization of the footprint.

Collect Status

Similar to Tasks, Canopy provides real-time visibility into the lifecycle of each Collect throughout the fulfillment of a task.


Unused Statuses

Statuses marked with a * are not currently in use but are planned to support future commercial tasking features

SCHEDULEDThe Collect is on the mission schedule.
COMMANDEDThe Collect has been commanded to the spacecraft.
FAILEDThe spacecraft did not perform the commanded collect operation.
TRANSMITTEDThe spacecraft has been commanded to downlink the raw collect data.
PARSEDUmbra automation has received and parsed the first transmission containing the raw collect data.
ASSEMBLEDThe raw collect data has been parsed and is ready to be staged for processing. If not enough data was parsed for processing, the collect will transition to INCOMPLETE.
CORRUPTThe data failed Umbra's automated QA and will not be DELIVERED
INCOMPLETESome of the raw collect data is downlinked, but not enough for processing. The Collect will transition back to TRANSMITTED when Umbra's automation attempts to downlink the remaining data on future passes.
STAGED*We have downlinked 99% of the the raw collect data and staged it for processing.
QUEUEDThe collect is in the queue for processing.
PROCESSINGThe collect is processing.
PROCESSING_DELAY*There was an unexpected delay in processing.
STALLED*The collect processing has stalled due to resource constraints.
PROCESSEDThe collect has been processed into deliverables.
DELIVERINGThe collect is in the process of being delivered.
DELIVEREDThe collect deliverables have been delivered to the customer.
CANCELEDThe collect was removed from the schedule.
UNKNOWN_COLLECT_STATUSThe collect is in an unknown state. Contact Umbra Support for further assistance.