Squint is an important angular parameter associated with the collection geometry of a SAR image. In order to align around a single definition of squint, values for this angular parameter have been modified across the Canopy application. The following diagram illustrates the new squint angle to be returned from Umbra's APIs:
Squint is accessible for collects under squintAngleEngineeringDegrees; for Stac Items, squint is accessible under umbra:squint_angle_engineering_degrees.
In the Canopy User Interface, Squint refers to the same value as squintAngleEngineeringDegrees.
Canopy also provides additional parameters that are commonly used across the industry: squint exploitation and squint degrees off of broadside. Broadside is perpendicular to the velocity vector, and degrees off of broadside is calculated as abs( abs(angle) - 90).
Updated 4 months ago